I recently purchase a new (to me) laptop. I now get the fund job of installing all my favorite software. I’ve been tracking what I use for the last few years and have a few basic apps that I install right away. Below is my list. One addition this year is I am using allmyapps to install the latest releases.
Here is my list:
1. VS2010 / iis7 / vs2008
2. Chrome
3. Firefox
4. Dropbox
5. ISO burn
6. truecrypt
7. digsby
8. 7zip
9. itunes
10. VLC (video lan client)
11. Notepad ++
12. gimp (Graphical Image Manipulation program)
13. Magic Disk (mount ISO)
14. Tortoise SVN
15. Cdburn XP
16. Foxit Reader
17. ccleaner
18. windirstat
19. Skype
20. audacity
21. Utorrent
22. Thunderbird
23. Imgburn
24. microsoft Security essentials