I decided to have some fun with the wireless network this weekend. I have a lot of neighbors and when you look at wireless you see a ton of SSID’s. A nifty little program called MDK3 allows you to broadcast a lot of SSID’s. I was watching one of the podcasts I follow and they mentioned the tool. I decided to give it a try on my Ubuntu 12.04 machine.
Here is a pic of the final view with all the networks from a windows 7 laptop. Notice all the insecure WiFi networks. I’ll share the list I used later in the post.
To make this happen you will need to download the most current version of MDK3. Here is the LINK: http://homepages.tu-darmstadt.de/~p_larbig/wlan/mdk3-v6.tar.bz2 ( Ver 6 – Current as of 10/27/2012)
If you are on backtrack or another version of ubuntu you can just download / unzip / make / make install. On Ubuntu 12.04 you need to make a small modification before compiling.
Once you download you need to unzip the file
sudo bzip2 -d mdk3-v6.tar.bz2
Then untar the file
tar -xvf mdk3-v6.tar
Change into the directory mdk3-v6 and modify the Makefile
sudo nano Makefile
Modify the following line and remove the “l”
LINKFLAGS = -lpthread to read LINKFLAGS = -pthread
LINKFLAGS = -pthread
Save the file “Ctrl O” and Exit “ctrl x”
Now to compile the code.
sudo make
Make and install app
sudo make install
You are now set to run the app. Validate that it runs and check the version
sudo mdk3 --version
Before you can have fun you need to put your wireless card into Monitor Mode. My wireless card is wlan0
sudo airmon-ng start wlan0
I now create a list of fake SSID (wifi names) in a file. The code below will put a file with “one” two, three as a list in your current directory
sudo echo -e one "\n" two "\n" three >> ssid.list
Now run mdk3 with the ssid.list just created. NOTE: this assumes you put ssid.list in your home directory
sudo mdk3 mon0 b -f ~/ssid.list -g -c 11
You will now see a list of SSID and beacon times in your terminal
If you open your wifi you will now see these networks broadcasted. You can have fun with this. Add in names, sentences, or anything. NOTE: there is a limit of characters shown. Have fun with this. Maybe take a VM running backtrack to the coffee shop and just broadcast a few networks.
Hi, thanks to your tuto, I’ve installed mdk-3 on ubuntu 12.10 but, I supose that what you explain after is just the creation of 3 wireless ssid with no further functionality, am I right?
You are correct. These are just broadcasted SSID that are not really accessible. Fun to do at an event or public place.
Update – I have got a lot of emails regarding this. You will only see these SSID’s when the program is running. They will fall off after you terminate the app.
after I make the command sudo mdk3 –version it says Ndiswrapper doesn’t support monitor mode
Thank you dude.You saved my day 🙂