Selling domains

Selling Domains

A few years ago I purchased a few domain names.  I got a great price and have held them since.   Recently I decided to sell off those domains.    I have not had much experience selling a domain before.   The experience I have had, was around purchasing domains.

In the past I have been part or brokered a few purchases of domain names for clients.  I had a mixed bag of success and failures when working on buying  adomain name from an existing party.  In one instance the price was over 50K for a domain name.  It happened to be the name of an established business.   In another case, a domain of a client expired and they worked to purchase it back from a domain holding company.


Before I just put the domains up for sale I did a little research.   From what I could find there were a few methods that were available to choose from.   I found the major listings from both google and webforms.  There are also a few tools that will place a value on your domain

  • Nokta Domains :  They facilitate buying and selling domains, as well as leasing.  I ran a valuation on both domains.
  • Godaddy Auctions:  This is the section where Godaddy charges you a monthly fee to be a member and list your domain at auction.
  • Sedo – They offer full service for domain selling and auction.  They can broker deals and also help find information.  Cost can range from 10-20% of sale
  • Flippa – This site allows for domain purchasing and selling.  Also, offer full websites, apps, and online businesses.

To sell my domains I realized that there are a few options to choose from

Selling my Domains

I decided to initially start out with Sedo.  I setup an account and moved my domains using their easy to use instructions to a parked domain and added a price.   I let this work for about 1 month and really did not get much traction.  They offer auctions and other services to move the purchase.    I was too passive and realized that I wanted to try another service.   I have to say that the Sedo instructions and site are easy to use.

Next test was to use flippa.  I have been watching and have purchased a site using flippa.  Before I started my Flippa auction I decided to take a different approach for one of my domains.  The two domains in question are:

My approach was to look at the methods available from Flippa.  The options when you start an auction from flippa are to have:  Domain only, new website, or established website.

flippaI wanted to two of the options.  For I selected “a brand-new website” and for I selected domain only.    I quickly set about moving the imobilevpn from the Sedo parked domain over to my own implementation of  a parked domain.  I left the sedo park page for

For i created a quick WordPress landing page and added Google adwords and also Google analtyics.  I wanted to see how much traffic was being sent to the site.

I submitted the auctions a few days apart and waited to see what happened.

Imobilevpn price was set for $99 and a reserve price of 150.  I was basically seeing if I could sell it. (this is a promotional widget that flippa gives you at a selling tool)



Prior to the listing I did a few price valuations on different sites.   This one from nokta shows the valuation as $4000.  Others ranked the price around $200 or $300.  There was a pretty large variance.






So what happened.   In the end, I added a buy it now on both auctions and did not get any bids or purchases.   I am going to run this again, but will probably lower the price.  Flippa was a good test, I think I’ll move to try the next version.

All along, the flippa experience was good.   I had expected a difference between a “new website” and just a domain but both performed the same.   About 4 people watching the auctions and no comments.   If you look at some of the domains for sale on flippa you will see examples of comments / questions.

I realize that I had a niche domain name, but it is also a popular topic and service at the moment.    I did not sell anything yet, but I will update as I go along.  Anyone want to buy a domain name.



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