My title may be a little misleading. After updating my Mac to the new macOS Sierra I realized that my favorite security tool pptp vpn was removed.
You can read about it here on apple’s support site –
I realize that the pptp vpn protocol has been called out with limited security and is often pointed as not being secure, but this was a fairly quick and simple secure vpn.
I have written many blog posts over the years on how to setup a VPN.( It is great to see companies starting to take security serious, but I am sad to see PPTP go.
If you are at loss for what to use I recommend either L2TP or openVPN (Often done with SSL).
Quick lesson learned for me, 1) look before you upgrade, since I use PPTP a lot. 2) update my VPN to start using openvpn and L2TP.
Side note: I have both OPENvpn and L2TP vpn available to me, I just tend to fall back to PPTP.