Jim Becher - Surfing the Web

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Blog posts and ramblings to chronicle my adventures in life. This may contain technology, family, business or products that I enjoy.


Hi, I’m Jim. A father, husband, business owner, entrepreneur, and a person who loves technology. I semi-often update this blog.


Feel free to reach out to me with questions, contact, business ideas, projects or just a random Hello. Located in the Mitten state.

Recent Posts

Mobile Detect Script

Mobile Detection

In the past year I have developed a few mobile websites. These normally consist of a specific mobile view (jquerymobile) or a responsive design. In the case of a specific mobile view, you need some type of mechanism to detect the type of browser that is viewing the site. Because…

Changing the WordPress folder

Recently moved WordPress from a sub-folder called “/blog” to the root of the site. Jimiz was recently set as jimiz.net/blog and it is now jimiz.net. I have been thinking of doing this for a year or so, just did not want to take the effort to modify all the links….

Disable Java – Homeland Security

I was reading my Flipboard feed and noticed an article saying to disable Java based on some zero-day exploit. This article on the The Verge The Verge mentioned that the homeland security team decided to encourage people to disable Java. That is an amazing thing to have a plugin that…

Fantastic Design and Invention

I stumbled upon this post and was just amazed. Some people just have great design skill, others have great vision, I think Hartmut Esslinger has both. http://www.designboom.com/technology/hartmut-esslingers-early-apple-computer-and-tablet-designs/# Check out the “Snow White 3” from 1984.

Windows 8 – App Store

Earlier this month I released two apps into the Windows 8 marketplace (Windows 8 app store). It has been a good experience and shows how Microsoft is doing a great job in creating a developer system to allow for apps. I’ve posted a few things regarding searching and certification in…

Windows Store App Launch

IP Address Info has launched to the windows store. You can read more here at the windows store site. http://apps.microsoft.com/webpdp/app/ip-address-info/7a98190a-ef5f-4399-bc3d-7ff1e2f1a37b