Jim Becher - Surfing the Web

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Blog posts and ramblings to chronicle my adventures in life. This may contain technology, family, business or products that I enjoy.


Hi, I’m Jim. A father, husband, business owner, entrepreneur, and a person who loves technology. I semi-often update this blog.


Feel free to reach out to me with questions, contact, business ideas, projects or just a random Hello. Located in the Mitten state.

Recent Posts

Long Overdue Update – 2025

Long overdue update

I won’t even check the date of my last blog post because, honestly, I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life. Let’s just say it’s been a while. But instead of dwelling on that, let me jump right into what I’ve been up to and where I’m headed….

Python 3 on MacOS


Python 3 on MacOS

I recently had the need to create a small python script to run a process.  I quickly looked up a process I could utilize to read a Rest API then do some work based on that content.

I fired up Visual Studio code and wrote out the framework of the program I needed in about 10 min.  (NOTE: I have not used Python in a long time and it was fun to quickly put something together).

Once I was done writing the code I jumped into a term terminal and ran the program “python GetAPIData.py”.  It worked well – opened a file of records added to an array and displayed the line items and did a count.

I then added some code that referenced how to call an API and it used the “requests”, knowing I needed to run “pip install requests” before I ran the program, I was rewarded with an error.

 zsh: command not found: pip

How to find your Wifi Password on a Mac

"wifi" by miniyo73 is licensed with CC BY-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

I recently had an issue where I wanted to re-broadcast a wifi network using my own router.  This allowed me to use an existing wifi network that I had a password for a few years ago and my MAC remembered it automatically.    The location I was at – my…

NFT Craziness – What is an NFT


The Crypto world has changed a lot in the last few years. One new and upcoming topic is NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens). In the last few weeks, we have seen a significant increase in the volume of NFT purchases.  If you follow cryptocurrency you have probably heard about NFT’s in the…

Opera Browser – Daily Driver for 3 years

Jimiz Opera Browser

I just realized I have been using Opera as my main browser for over 3 years.  Somehow in 2017, I decided that I should give Opera a try.  If you are not familiar with Opera, it is a browser similar to chrome or firefox. In fact, Opera is built on…

Amazfit Bip S

Amazafit Bip S

I have been extremely happy with my Xiaomi Amazfit Bip smartwatch.   It has been over 2 years since I discovered and purchased this inexpensive smartwatch.    The key item that caused me to purchase this watch was the 30-day battery.   However, I have determined that what I love the most…

Xfinity Injecting a Message in my browser


I recently received this message in my browser while opening a web page I designed for a friends company. I have received this message before while going to other sites, and just refreshed the browser and continued, not thinking anything of it. “There is an issue with your connection –…

Blog Update


2020 Blog Refresh It is a new year and my blog needed some updates.  Not just small updates but some real technology love.    The theme was not complliant with the new version of WordPress, I had 4 plugins that were throwing exceptions (filling the log), 2 plugins that were…

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