Jim Becher - Surfing the Web

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Blog posts and ramblings to chronicle my adventures in life. This may contain technology, family, business or products that I enjoy.


Hi, I’m Jim. A father, husband, business owner, entrepreneur, and a person who loves technology. I semi-often update this blog.


Feel free to reach out to me with questions, contact, business ideas, projects or just a random Hello. Located in the Mitten state.

Recent Posts

WordPress 1.5 is out

WordPress has released their new version 1.5. WordPress is the blog software I use to run jimiz.net. It is a great application and my hat goes off to the developers. One thing I hope to get out of the upgrade (I will be upgrading this weekend) is to be able…

Picasa – The image application

I have been thinking of the best piece of software I have every used. It probably has boiled down to most recently Firefox and Picasa. Unless you have been living under a rock you probably know about firefox. So Let me tell you a bit about Picasa. Picasa was recently…

Phillips Senseo

I frequently listen to Adam Curry and his podcast the Daily Source Code. He has often mentioned his love of the philips Senseo coffee maker. So I decided this weekend I was going to get one. And I have to admit, this is one great coffee maker. The Philips Senseo…

Tourney Logic – Pool

My friend Joel has opened up a tourney on his site tourneylogic.com. He has some good info on his blog Joel has created program with a bracket control, for tournaments. You can visit tourneylogic.com

RSS Screen Saver

I have been working on a screen saver for IIS reporter. In doing research for that I made / modified a C# (Visual studio 2005) demo for and RSS screen saver. This screen saver is build in Visual C# express and uses the .net framework 2.0. It will take a…

Music – Shooter Jennings

I have found the next album I am going to purchase. I am not sure if Itunes carry’s his label. But Shooter Jennings (www.shooterjennings.com) has his first record out. The son of the late great Waylon Jennings and Jesse Colter. Shooter has a sound that is a mix between Rock…

Music – George Thorogood

Well I finally purchased a CD. I have not bought a cd for a few months. In fact I can’t even remember when the last time I purchased a CD. It must have been over a year. Now spinning in my car, other than my Ipaq is George Thorogood :Greatest…

Connection Strings

I was reading Joel’s blog the other day and noticed he had a linke to a site called www.connectionstrings.com What a great site. I could have used this information a few hundred times already. Just thinking back on some recent projects, when I had to search for some old code…