
Disable Java – Homeland Security

I was reading my Flipboard feed and noticed an article saying to disable Java based on some zero-day exploit. This article on the The Verge The Verge mentioned that the homeland security team decided to encourage people to disable Java. That is an amazing thing to have a plugin that is as widly used as java to be encourage to be …

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Find all computers on a network – Using Nmap – free tool

I’m a huge fan of a tool called nmap (  It is a network tool that can do many things.  The most simple is to determine if a host is active.  Anytime I connect to any network I run a quick scan to see who my neighbors are on the network. To do a network scan with nmap you only need …

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Secure your home network – Block sites – OpenDNS

I get all types of security questions from home users.  How do I secure my wireless so people can’t use it?  How can I make sure people can’t steal files on my computer?  How can I keep the kids from going to sites they are not suppose to be on? For the last one, how to secure and block sites I recommend OpenDNS. …

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Migrate FileZilla ftp info (Not Secure)

I use Filezilla as my main FTP client. It is a wonderful tool for ftp, ftps, scp (sftp) and other transfer protocols. I am getting a new laptop and needed to transfer / backup my settings. I have a lot of sites stored and did not want to go looking for all the username and password information. Filezilla allows you to …

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Public Wifi – Coffee Shop Security

I went to a coffee shop today to do some work. Update a few documents and get some random things I have been putting off.    As always I log onto the coffee shop wireless and connect to my VPN.  (read other articles here and here). After completing the items I had set out to do.  I took some time to …

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Free Icon set for Developers

I am frequently creating Visio diagrams to use for software development or web applications.  I typically use the built in elements and icons.  Recently I have found it difficult to find some items that I would like to have in my designs.    The great team and group over at OSA ( have many tools to both help with designs but …

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Secure Browsing on Public WiFi connection

I’ve posted before regarding browsing the web on a public wifi network like your local coffee shop or restaurant. I will repeat my message, this type of browsing is not secure, you don’t know who else is on the same network you are using. It is not hard for someone to view your sessions or info. (take for example firesheep) It …

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FireSheep – Blacksheep – what is legal

I love the new firefox plug-in that allows you to view user sessions. It is a simple plug-in called firesheep that uses winpcap to capture packets and hijack web sessions. If you have not heard of this head on over to firesheep and read more What I find funny is the fact that people are all worked up about their security …

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Setup VPN on DDWRT

I use DDWRT as my home router / firewall. It has some of the best features that can be found on a router. Visit DDWRT for more information. I use the VPN when I am not in a trusted location. I have setup my iPhone, iPad, and computers to use this as my connection to the internet any time I am …

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Public WiFi is not SAFE. If this article is news to you, please take the time to learn how to be secure. If the idea of doing more work to be secure scares you then please take the time to do a few minor things. Understand that when using public wifi (anywhere you don’t know who’s wi-fi network you are using) do not do anything …

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iPad browser detect (User-Agent)

For many years developers have been using the User-Agent element of the browser to detect what web browser a person is using. This is very useful for designers when they are looking to make a very functional site in older browsers or add new technology (IE 6 ) In my last post I looked at the portscan of an iPad. Today …

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iPad security (port scan)

Continuing my security theme, I decided to see what the iPad looks like on a network. Can you ping it, what does nmap say about it, does OS detection work, are there any open ports? To test this I used both my iPhone (jimiz-phone) and iPad (jimizIP) connected to my wireless network. The first thing I did was lookup the MAC …

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Secure – Lock your iPad – lock screen

The iPad is like any other device, it has your data on it. No matter if you use it at home or out in a coffee shop. You need to make sure that your data is safe. The iPad like the iPhone allows you to lock the devise from use with a 4 digit passcode. To enable locking your screen you …

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