
Wi-Fi Security Part 1 – what does your computer say about you.

As a follow up to my original post of watching some kid at a coffee shop sniff the wireless network for passwords, I am doing a wi-fi security series. In this post I will show wi-fi users how easy it is to gather information from other computers and users by just sniffing the network. I first must explain what “sniffing the …

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Cingular PooPoo

Well I have finally decided to make the actual move from AT&T to Cingular. It is not that I am uhappy with AT&T wireless. It is just that they are no longer around. They are cingular. One issue I am having is that I have a family plan. I did not have one with AT&T but with cingular they label my …

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Marathon Results

Yesterday I completed my first marathon. On Oct 9th I ran the Chicago Marathon in 4 hours and 27 min. That is near a 10 min mile. I did not know what to expect going into this race. I figured it would be interesting, and I was right. The day was perfect, 40 degrees in the morning and near 60 and …

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One IM to rule them all

I have finally realized how much I use Instant Messaging. It is not a matter that I did not consider IM a viable means of communication, but rather the fact of how often I use it as a means of communication. Since switching jobs recently I have been able to consolidate my email, contact list, and useful files. The one thing …

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Security of the ASMX file

You often hear about security and web services. How they need to be more secure and how they can pass unsecured information. Well, I recently had an issue with a client that felt they were exposing too much information with the web service provided. This web service allows for products to be returned based on some search criteria. Unfortunately the web …

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New Site Launch

We have just launched a new site at work today. The interesting part of this launch is the use of a new server application called Macromedia Flex. You can get to the application part of this site by going to The Flex application allows for a rich internet user interface to be generated through remote data access points. We …

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Well Adam Curry finaly released the castblaster beta. You can download it here ( One thing I noticed about this beta is that they are asking for $50 bucks for a license key. I’m not against purchasing software but, paying for a beta is a bit over the edge. I understand that castblaster may be worth it but I can’t possibly …

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FireFox Extensions

If you are like me you probably use firefox or have used firefox. It is a great alternative to IE for web browsing. One of the nice features of firefox is the ability to code extensions or plugins for the browser. I user some very frequently. Here is a quick list of extensions that I use: 1. Web Developer – this …

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IE toolbars

It seems to me that there are a ton of IE tool bars out there. And every program you install tries to add another. I understand the functionality of a toolbar and how useful they can be, but come on. How many do we need. So I started thinking of what I use. And wanted to see what others thought. I …

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Podcasting and SiriusRadio

It looks like one of my favorite PodCasts is going to be available on Sat radio. Adam Curry is working with Sirius radio to deliver a Podcast channel – You can read the news release here . Or visit Sirius Radio for more info and a free 3 day trial. I was playing with getting Sat Radio for a while. I …

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Gmail Mobile

I have been a huge gmail fan since I got my first account. Now that gmail is up to 2 gigs of space how can you resist. I have been thinking of ways to utilize my gmail account other than an aggregator for thoughts, files, and other email accounts. I finally decided to try and use the system for email relaying. …

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New Blog to Read

One of the developers I work with has just launched his new blog. You can read it here ( Joe is a Macromedia developer who can write wicked code for Flex, flash, and other macromedia products. I noticed his blog had the same issue with FireFox. The style sheets (css) will need to have the rendering code added, < ? Header ...

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Fix for Firefox browser issue

The guys at my hosting provider were able to help me with my CSS issue on this site. It was the way that the PHP was rendering the css files. By adding the following code into the .css files the issue was resolved. < ? Header ("Content-type: text/css");?> This causes the css file to have a content status of text/css. We …

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