
High Resolution Laptop

I am very pleased with my newer T410 laptop.  The only complaint I have found is the resolution.  It is set to 1280 x 800, which is not bad. It is a wide screen but not too high of a resolution.  I was used to a T61 with a 1680×1050 resolution WSXGA+.   It is amazing how you can miss that real …

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Computer Input Devices – Touchpad vs Trackpoint

I have been looking at new a new laptops and have been watching how people use them. My reasons for this are simple. I am a firm believer in the trackpoint, the little joystick thing in the middle of a laptop keyboard. Particularly on the IBM thinkpad laptops. The new laptop I will be using is a Dell and may or …

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Migrate FileZilla ftp info (Not Secure)

I use Filezilla as my main FTP client. It is a wonderful tool for ftp, ftps, scp (sftp) and other transfer protocols. I am getting a new laptop and needed to transfer / backup my settings. I have a lot of sites stored and did not want to go looking for all the username and password information. Filezilla allows you to …

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I love technology – favicon

I love technology. I love how the process of doing tedious tasks can be simplified. I can remember when creating an favicon was a true task. You had to download some type of app that would transform your image to a PNG then do some maniuplation to make it the right size. Today there are some great sites that take your …

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Vibram 5 fingers and barefoot running

— UPDATE: Part 2 A few years back, while in Holland during the summer I ran into an old friend on the beach. He was with his kids and they had long boards and were walking down the beach. My friend was wearing the strangest shoes. I had never seen shoes with toes on them. That was the first time I …

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Browsers and more browsers (IE9, Firefox 4, and chrome)

What browser do you use. I’m a chrome user. Have been for about a year. The features that draw me to chrome are the very simple view with tabs, easy search by the address bar, and sync of the bookmarks. Also, did I mention speed. These great features that set chrome apart are not part of both IE9 and the new …

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Plus 1 for Thinkpad and Lenovo support

I’ve mentioned before that I recently got another Thinkpad (t410). After receiving the laptop I’ve had wireless issues / performance problems with it. At first I just thought it was due to my wireless network. I use a combination of DDWRT and Airport Extreme to provide wireless to my house. The airport provides the wireless as a dedicated AP and I …

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iPad / iPad2 and everything else

I love the press and the new release that Apple is getting with the iPad2. I recently read an article regarding the Xoom vs the iPad The base argument is around the horsepower and processor in the device, the multi tasking features, flash support (soon), gyroscope, and tabs on the browser. As I look at how the iPad is used …

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Modify Files on your iPhone and iPod

If you are like I am and continue to use your iPhone / iPad for more then they are used for. Jailbreaking or just tinkering, you will love this great little app called iphone explorer It is installed on either a PC or Mac and allows you to browse files on the ios device. I recently used it to update …

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Network Performance – iPerf and jperf

I recently setup my new laptop and wanted to test the network connection. I have had some issues with the speed and performance on wireless with the new T410. My home network has both a G wireless and N wireless network available. I have been seeing poor performance on the new thinkpad, while the old T61 would get almost twice the …

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Home Page customize for iPhone / iPad

Prior to having an iPhone I had a windows mobile device. That was a long time ago, and I don’t miss it at all. There is one aspect that I do miss. That is the ability to customize the home page / lock page. Over the weekend I set out to customize my iPhone / iPad lock screen. If you have …

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WordPress – Cache Plugins

I have been creating more and more sites with WordPress. I have found it is a great tool and easy to configure. Since I enjoy working with PHP, WordPress makes customization easy. One of the many features that allow WordPress to be a very robust tool is the ability to use plug-ins. A plugin I recommend to everyone is a caching …

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Free Icon set for Developers

I am frequently creating Visio diagrams to use for software development or web applications.  I typically use the built in elements and icons.  Recently I have found it difficult to find some items that I would like to have in my designs.    The great team and group over at OSA ( have many tools to both help with designs but …

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Secure Browsing on Public WiFi connection

I’ve posted before regarding browsing the web on a public wifi network like your local coffee shop or restaurant. I will repeat my message, this type of browsing is not secure, you don’t know who else is on the same network you are using. It is not hard for someone to view your sessions or info. (take for example firesheep) It …

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Essential free windows applications

Lifehacker ( is a productivity site that I frequent. Every year the put out a list of free applications for windows and call it the Lifehacker Pack 2010. The most recent list is out. Lifehacker Pack 2010 This is a great list of applications that any windows user should use. From burning cd’s / Dvd’s to tools to re-install your computer …

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