
Web Developer Checklist

Update for 2023 The team at TopTal has revised and updated the web checklist – Here is the updated link  Great Improvement: this is a great tool to prepare for a website or application launch. — I was reading some of my news feeds and came across this great site called It is a creation of Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi …

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Magento Debug and Modifications


I have been using Magento more frequently. One of the great benefits of this system is the ablity to customize the application and change it’s behavior. One of the downsides is because of the ability to customize the overall folder structure can be a bit challenging if you are not familiar with it. The structure is well laid out but is …

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Mobile Web Testing

I have been doing more mobile web sites recently. My preference has been to use responsive design that allows for any display size. The display size can range from Desktop, TV, tablet or phone. However, I have found it is important to know your target audience and also do testing. Not all browsers are understanding of the @media and HTML5 components. …

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GUID Generator

I had the need to generate a few GUID’s for a project recently. Because I typically use Visual Studio I had GuidGen available. It is a feature in Visual Studio from (TOOLS > Creat GUID) Because I often have the urge to simplify things, I quickly put together a Guid generator site. This page will generate any number of GUID’s for …

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Setup of Developer Workstation (.net)

I recently updated my laptop configuration and did some spring cleaning.  It was time to re-install the tools and get the machine ready.  I do most of my development in Virtual Machines (virtualbox) but I typically have Visual Studio on my local machine for ease of use.  I realized that there are a lot of coponents you have to instll to …

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WordPress–Contact 7 Form (special mail tags)

I have been using wordpress for a while now.  It is one of the best content management systems I have used.  Fully customizable and it has a great community of developers to help solve challenges.   My favorite plug-in for wordpress is the contact form 7.  Contact Form 7 is the most robust and configurable form tool that I have found for …

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IISreporter – new site

There is a new site over at Check out the new look and feel and leave some comments or suggestions. IISreporter is an application that shows you connections and information regarding IIS in real-time. It allows administrators to see how many people are currently connected to the server. It is available for free and can be downloaded at A …

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Compress vdi file (virtualbox)

I mainly develop inside of a virtual server / application. In the last year I have been using Virtualbox instead of Virtual PC. I have a base image that I use as a testing machine. It is a base Windows XP image. I recently discovered that I could save some disk space by using a few commands to shrink / compact …

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