
How to find your Wifi Password on a Mac

"wifi" by miniyo73 is licensed with CC BY-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

I recently had an issue where I wanted to re-broadcast a wifi network using my own router.  This allowed me to use an existing wifi network that I had a password for a few years ago and my MAC remembered it automatically.    The location I was at – my remote office did not have a great connection to the wifi …

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Wifi in Car – No More DVD’s – Spring Break Tech

I love technology and I love my family. However these two have collided and we have had some challenges. One of those challenges relates to cords; yes I mean power cords.   Some years ago I purchased a few portable DVD players.  These great little items allowed my children to watch movies while we traveled. My parents and family live more than …

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VPN – Why you should use one

It is summer time and people are traveling for vacation.    Heading to hotels, campgrounds, parks, and friends.   If your like my family you have many devices you take with you; tablets, smart phones, laptops, and all kinds of wifi devices.     As people travel they see free public wifi for use.  Please understand that these networks are not …

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Wireless fun – MDK3 on ubuntu 12

I decided to have some fun with the wireless network this weekend.  I have a lot of neighbors and when you look at wireless you see a ton of SSID’s.  A nifty little program called MDK3 allows you to broadcast a lot of SSID’s.   I was watching one of the podcasts I follow and they mentioned the tool.  I decided to give …

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When is it illegal to listen. Mapping wifi?

When did listening become illegal?  After reading this article I got to thinking more about how the concept of wireless is flawed.   http://gigaom.com/2012/05/01/google-wi-fi-snooping-and-the-ever-shifting-creepy-line/ As a technology it uses public airwaves to send data.  This concept works great when the data is suppose to be freely available.  The success of this can be seen with radio and TV.    People are able to …

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Public Wifi – Coffee Shop Security

I went to a coffee shop today to do some work. Update a few documents and get some random things I have been putting off.    As always I log onto the coffee shop wireless and connect to my VPN.  (read other articles here and here). After completing the items I had set out to do.  I took some time to …

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Secure Browsing on Public WiFi connection

I’ve posted before regarding browsing the web on a public wifi network like your local coffee shop or restaurant. I will repeat my message, this type of browsing is not secure, you don’t know who else is on the same network you are using. It is not hard for someone to view your sessions or info. (take for example firesheep) It …

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Interesting real world offline hack

There was an interesting article on lifehacker regarding offline file shareing. Kind of like the old “sneaker net”. Where you would put files on a disk and walk the over to someone. The concept of this offline peer-to-peer is to place a flashdrive or similar item into a permanent fixture and people go to that location and either leave info or …

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FireSheep – Blacksheep – what is legal

I love the new firefox plug-in that allows you to view user sessions. It is a simple plug-in called firesheep that uses winpcap to capture packets and hijack web sessions. If you have not heard of this head on over to firesheep and read more What I find funny is the fact that people are all worked up about their security …

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WiFi or Cellular

It is amazing how reliant you get on internet access. Over the weekend a few things happened with our family and the need to communicate and send messages. I realized that I have become dependent on being able to either just pick up a phone or have some type of communication. Because of the location where we were the cell signal …

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