
Phone “phantom ringing”–changing pockets

UPDATE A recent story on LifeHacker discusses the medical term for this issue I noticed a few months ago an interesting phenomenon.  I would feel my iPhone vibrate when I was not carrying it.  This strange sensation has happened a few time in the past, but last month it seemed more intense.  I found out this is something that others …

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iPhone Jailbreak 5.0.1

I decided to jail break again. I really like the sbsettings That lets you turn things like wireless, bluetooth, and other features on and off with a simple click. I also use mywi to tether when on the road, since I purchased the app it is very useful. Some of the other reasons to jailbreak are to test out some fun …

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Mobile testing

I have been doing a lot of mobile development lately. One tool I have found to be irreplaceable is Mite ( What a great tool. Mite is a mobile web tester. It allows you to view multiple device views of your site. It also does performance evaluations, scripting, and testing. I can’t say enough good words. It allowed me to find …

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