
Windows Media Center – Windows 8.1

I recently updated my basement and purchased a new TV.  In doing so, my projector and TV are both connected to my Windows Media Center.  I needed up update my older PC running windows media center since Comcast turned to digital.    Here is the setup and configurations I use to run a Windows Media Center that shows live tv and allows …

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ShellShock – How to test your system

In the past few weeks the number of security incidents in the news has increased.  Home depot, Jimmy John’s and also Shellshock.  From credit card theft via malware to online security vulnerabilities you need to keep on guard. This most recent ShellShock vulnerability is going to be big.  Since a very large portion of the web is using Linux or some …

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Change WordPress Theme from Database

I recently had an issue with a theme when updating wordpress.  After the upgrade I was unable to get into the site or the admin.  What I discovered was the Theme was causing the issue.   I needed a way to change the theme outside of the admin.    This post will show you what to change in the Database to …

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Minimal Footprint online – No Google

I attempted a while back to see if I could limit my exposure on the web.   Looking at all the security concerns and even my own security fun I decided to see what i could limit. First Steps The first place I looked was to stop all the online leakage and “free info” I was sharing while browsing.  You know …

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What are you reading?

I read a few blogs but recently have been so busy at work have not really kept up with any technical blogs or news. I find that HackerNews keeps me up-to-date as much as possible.   If you don’t subscribe to the newsletter I would recommend it – go here to signup for hacker news If I don’t want to wait …

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To use WWW or not – Naked Domains

I recently read an article from Mads Kristensen (  He was posting regarding using a url rewrite for IIS and the use of a subdomain. After reading the article and viewing some info regarding the two camps of “use WWW” and don’t use “www”.  I could not help but reflect on my own experiences. For years, I been fortunate to both …

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Selling domains

Selling Domains A few years ago I purchased a few domain names.  I got a great price and have held them since.   Recently I decided to sell off those domains.    I have not had much experience selling a domain before.   The experience I have had, was around purchasing domains. In the past I have been part or brokered …

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Quickbooks Alternative

My old Thinkpad that I used as a mini server died, and on that machine I ran an old version of Quickbooks.   I have used Quickbooks for invoicing and accounting for about 7 years.    It has served me well, however when the machine died I decided to look at upgrading from my 2009 version to the newest.   As I …

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Install phonegap 3 on Windows 8

PhoneGap 3 I recently wanted to test an idea on an android device.  To quickly write up a proof of concept I decided to use PhoneGap.  I have used PhoneGap in the past but the current Version 3.1 (at the time of writing) is more mature than when I previously developed with it. I was prepared to walk through a few …

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Google using your name and picture in ads – How to Opt Out

Google Endorsements Google has recently made a policy change.  You may have seen a notification in your gmail or Plus page.  I basically just clicked on the “x” or said OK with out thinking about it.  I am sure many other prople are like me and don’t take much time to read any policy changes.  However, recently many news sites started …

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Fun Computer Tricks (Possible Inappropriate tricks)

I read a great blog by Troy Hunt frequently.  He is an architect and MVP over at Microsoft, he typically talks about security.   He recently sent out a quick tweet regarding locking your computer.  After the tweet regarding what to do when someone does not lock their screen. I love some of the options.  One favorite was to set …

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Favicon–What / Why / and How

If you do not know what a favicon is , it would be hard to explain with out a picture.  The Favicon is the little icon that shows up in your browsers tab for a website. In this picture the favicon is highlighted, it happens to be my site’s icon.  I also have a few well known sites open;  Google, Facebook, …

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Mobile Screenshots for presentations

I often have to do presentations or showcase a site or an application.   I find taking pictures or showcasing the application can help many people get a sense of what I am talking about.  I recently discovered a great tool to take a screenshot of your app or website using multiple devices. has Mobile devices, tablets, pc’s and  other great …

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Web Developer Checklist

Update for 2023 The team at TopTal has revised and updated the web checklist – Here is the updated link  Great Improvement: this is a great tool to prepare for a website or application launch. — I was reading some of my news feeds and came across this great site called It is a creation of Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi …

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Thinkpad x1 Touch

I am a ThinkPad junkie (proof 1, 2). I currently have 3 active thinkpads in our home. My primary laptop T410, My wife’s T410, and our home server (everything PC) t61p. Today I just purchased another thinkpad to add to the collection. I got a Thinkpad X1 Carbon Touch. This is the first touch laptop I have purchased. I have had …

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