
Change WordPress Theme from Database

I recently had an issue with a theme when updating wordpress.  After the upgrade I was unable to get into the site or the admin.  What I discovered was the Theme was causing the issue.   I needed a way to change the theme outside of the admin.    This post will show you what to change in the Database to …

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WordPress and CDN

Jimiz CloudFlare

High Traffic WordPress Sites A few websites that I maintain get a large volume of traffic.  They are using WordPress as a content management system.  To accommodate this traffic I have been utilizing a combination of a great service CDN and a caching plugin.    A “CDN” is a Content Delivery Network is a service that will store and forward  your items …

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WordPress Plugin: wp-topbar

I was in need of a top bar for a WordPress site to communicate news and updates to users.   In doing some research there are a lot of options.  I ended up settling on wp-topbar http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-topbar/ This plugin is really easy to use and has some great features in the admin section.  It allows you to set style and other granular …

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The best 404 error pages

I love to see a great 404 page when things go wrong.  The twitter fail whale has become a great example of how to make a statement  on an error or 404 page.   It has become an art of both design and communication when you do something like a 404 page. Here is a great list of interesting and great 404 …

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Commuting to Work on Bike

I’ve been commuting to work on my bike this last week. It has been great. The car was in the shop so I finally had a reason to commute. I’ve been planning on doing it but never was motivated enough to start the process. This last week I did not have a car so I had to. It turned out to …

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