
iPad Tips and Tricks

I love it when I come across a new thing on the iPad that I did not know.  I was reading a tip’s and tricks blog post on the ipad and I learned about how to pause an app from being installed. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/14529/the-complete-list-of-ipad-tips-tricks-and-tutorials/ You basically hit the icon of the app that is in the (waiting or loading) state and it …

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iPhone and iPod sync multiple calendars – google apps

If you use google apps and an iPhone or iPad you have probably tried to add other calendars to your in app calendar application.  A very simple way to do this is to use iphoneselect.   Iphone select allows you to select the calendars from a webpage and then configure your iPad or iPhone app to sync with them Google APPS: https://www.google.com/calendar/hosted/YOURDOMAINNAME/iphoneselect …

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Protect your iPhone or iPad – GelaSkins

I am not one to have a belt clip for my phone.  One of the main elements of having a phone for me is to be able to fit without being seen in a pocket.   I currently have an iPhone 4 and like the size and function it has (don’t like the weight – remember I keep it in my …

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iPad and Microsoft

I am currently at microsoft techEd in Atlanta. Microsoft has some great things going on. Any time you put 10000 geeks together you see a lot of tech. The main take away I found was that the iPad has won. I see as many iPads as I do laptops. That is interesting especially at a Microsoft conference. This simple observation tells …

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Secure your iPhone or iPad – Hack your data

I am always interested in how secure my devices are? Is my data safe, can people get to my info, am I at risk of giving out any private information. The iPhone /iPad has proven to be pretty secure if you take precautions. Lock your screen and keep sensitive data out of the clear. The one interesting item you can hack …

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iPad IT apps

I have a lot of apps loaded on the iPad. Many of these apps are games, productivity, social media, and just entertainment. However, there are a few that are really tech and work related. Since I am in the IT field I found a few apps that I would recommend. Remote Desktop 1. winadmin – $8.99 http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/winadmin-ipad-edition/id364898965?mt=8 This is the most …

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I love technology – favicon

I love technology. I love how the process of doing tedious tasks can be simplified. I can remember when creating an favicon was a true task. You had to download some type of app that would transform your image to a PNG then do some maniuplation to make it the right size. Today there are some great sites that take your …

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Public Wifi – Coffee Shop Security

I went to a coffee shop today to do some work. Update a few documents and get some random things I have been putting off.    As always I log onto the coffee shop wireless and connect to my VPN.  (read other articles here and here). After completing the items I had set out to do.  I took some time to …

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Permanent MTU settings for PPP0 ubuntu

I have a few servers that I help maintain or use for VPN access.  I have found on a few machines that when I use VPN to secure my connection at a coffee shop or any other public WiFi that some sites will not load.  I have seen this issue before when using PPTP but had never taken the time to …

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Netflix Streaming and bandwidth

I’m a network abuser. I use my internet connection for everything. VPN access when at any public wifi location (VPN ddwrt). I also use it for Streaming movies on netflix, backup for my data (mozy, dropbox, rsync for business data) and just general browsing. So overall I am using a lot of data. When comcast put their 250GB limit in place …

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iPad / iPad2 and everything else

I love the press and the new release that Apple is getting with the iPad2. I recently read an article regarding the Xoom vs the iPad http://blogs.computerworld.com/17907/motorola_xoom_versus_the_ipad_2_the_xoom_is_a_clear_winner The base argument is around the horsepower and processor in the device, the multi tasking features, flash support (soon), gyroscope, and tabs on the browser. As I look at how the iPad is used …

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Modify Files on your iPhone and iPod

If you are like I am and continue to use your iPhone / iPad for more then they are used for. Jailbreaking or just tinkering, you will love this great little app called iphone explorer It is installed on either a PC or Mac and allows you to browse files on the ios device. http://www.macroplant.com/iphoneexplorer/ I recently used it to update …

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iPad IT apps

I have a lot of apps loaded on the iPad. Many of these apps are games, productivity, social media, and just entertainment. However, there are a few that are really tech and work related. Since I am in the IT field I found a few apps that I would recommend. Remote Desktop 1. winadmin – $8.99 http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/winadmin-ipad-edition/id364898965?mt=8 This is the most …

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Home Page customize for iPhone / iPad

Prior to having an iPhone I had a windows mobile device. That was a long time ago, and I don’t miss it at all. There is one aspect that I do miss. That is the ability to customize the home page / lock page. Over the weekend I set out to customize my iPhone / iPad lock screen. If you have …

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Passwords and usernames

I just updated my online accounts thanks to Gawker’s recent news regarding their user database being compromised.  I did have a gawker account, I’m a reader and subscriber to lifehacker.com. You can check to see if you need to change passwords by looking if your account was compromised here (http://www.slate.com/id/2277768) the widget looks up your email or username. At the time …

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