IIS Server Headers – Clickjacking – X-Frame-Options

Configure IIS to use – X-Frame-Options I recently had a request to update a server to correct a few audit findings.  One finding was related to “clickjacking” (More info from Wikipedia and OWASP) Clickjacking is a process where a malicious link is injected on the page that takes you to what you would think is a normal page but is hijacking …

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Favicon–What / Why / and How

If you do not know what a favicon is , it would be hard to explain with out a picture.  The Favicon is the little icon that shows up in your browsers tab for a website. In this picture the favicon is highlighted, it happens to be my site’s icon.  I also have a few well known sites open;  Google, Facebook, …

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IIS 6 and .net 4 – 404 error

I just spent the last hour troubleshooting an issue with an upgrade. It had to do with upgrading a website to a new version using .net 4 on an iis 6 (server 2003) machine. I was consistently getting a 404 error when I switched to using the 4.0 framework I had reapplied 4.0 framework to iis using aspnet_regiis. Even created a …

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Backup Script for SQL Express

I like the usability of Microsoft SQL especially the SQL Express versions. The only few limitations I have ran into have been some of the enterprise feature and things like backup scripts. There is a great Codeplex package that can help http://expressmaint.codeplex.com/ I have used a version of expressmaint for long time. The package from code plex also includes a windows2008 …

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Windows Mesh – Shutdown

Feb 13th 2013 is a sad day. Microsoft decided to turn off what I though was one of their best services. They are discontinuing Live Mesh. If you have not heard of Mesh, it was the precursor to SkyDrive. Mesh allowed you to sync and access remote files. It also included the one function that I really loved, Remote Desktop. When …

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GUID Generator

I had the need to generate a few GUID’s for a project recently. Because I typically use Visual Studio I had GuidGen available. It is a feature in Visual Studio from (TOOLS > Creat GUID) Because I often have the urge to simplify things, I quickly put together a Guid generator site. This page will generate any number of GUID’s for …

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QR codes

I found a great site for creating custom QR codes.  I had a project a few years back where I had to generate QR codes, so I wrote my own engine.  Then I used the .net framework to impose images on top of QR codes using GDI+.  The qrhacker.com site does a great job of putting the elements I did a …

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The best 404 error pages

I love to see a great 404 page when things go wrong.  The twitter fail whale has become a great example of how to make a statement  on an error or 404 page.   It has become an art of both design and communication when you do something like a 404 page. Here is a great list of interesting and great 404 …

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Top Developer Tools : Hanselman

Hanselman has published his most recent Ultimate Developer and power tools. I’ve been a follower of this list for a long. I realize that I have a lot of these tools. I found a few gems in here that I need to check out. http://www.hanselman.com/ScottHanselmans2011UltimateDeveloperAndPowerUsersToolListForWindows.aspx

builtwith.com (service down)

One of my favorite tools builtwith.com was out of commission today. It was showing a 503 error Service Unavailable. The builtwith blog mentioned that they were working on the issue. It looks like they are back and running now. I feel for the team, I’ve been there. It’s not fun. Their twitter post explained it: https://twitter.com/builtwith. Another cool thing about builtwith.com …

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OneNote for iPad and iPhone

I am a fan of using my iPad for note taking. I noticed today that Microsoft Onenote is now available for the iPad and iPhone. Head on over to iTunes and download http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/onenote/id478105721?mt=8 After trying out the application is works great. However, it does not sync with my work OneNote. It syncs with your skydrive. I am going to have to …

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.net Training

I have seen some great online resources recently for .net development training. Pluralsight is a fantastic resource: Some are free : MVC controller http://www.pluralsight-training.net/microsoft/players/PSODPlayer.aspx?author=scott-allen&name=mvc3-building-controllers&mode=live&clip=0&course=aspdotnet-mvc3-intro   For beginners this one is fantastic: http://mottishaked.com/training/dot-net-tutorial  

Remote desktop sharing

Remote PC support has come a long way.  It used to be a long phone call and people would explain what they were seeing.  Then we added remote desktop sharing tools like VNC.  Now many sites and applications have these features.    I have discussed remote desktop sharing / support apps before – http://jimiz.net/2008/07/open-source-applications/ Since then I have tried many versions.  Go2MyPC, …

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Re-Install windows phone 7 sdk

I just had to re-install windows phone 7 sdk.  I wanted the features for Mango 7.5.  However to get the install I had to uninstall the previous version (beta) I had. Now 3 reboots later  I’m ready to role.